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I was born in the 80’s in a small middle European village. I attended university and got my degree in Mechanical Engineering. After graduating I met my current wife and we toured northern Europe where we discovered the art of log homes. The concept fascinated us.
Upon returning home, I got a job in engineering and for a short period the company transferred me to China where I assisted in setting up a new assembly line. While developing the assembly line, I was also assisting in the development of a high speed electric motor. After seven years with the company, I decided to leave, so that I could concentrate on developing my new project.
I created the BrLog Company and started to design a novel log scriber which could be used efficiently in the field by those working in wood. It took me three attempts before I was satisfied with the new scriber which I now call “BrLog Scriber”. I did not stop with just the Scriber. I moved on to develop other equipment which will compliment the BrLog Scriber.

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